5. Preview of datasets available to you

Conducting studies using previously-collected data is a great way to learn more analyses and get more experience with publishing. Granted, if you’re collecting data independently you have full control over the data, but this also takes so much time. There are lots of datasets out there that are publicly available or that I have connections to and could request access to the data for you. There are also datasets that will stem from in-progress studies that you’d have access to as a student.

Publicly available data (list is not exhaustive)

  1. National Survey on Drug Use and Health
  2. National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions
  3. National Comorbidity Survey Replication (though these data are quite dated by this point)

Lab datasets
Note. All my datasets include both eating disorder & suicide data.

  1. Ecological momentary assessment data on suicide risk processes in roughly 100 rural sexual minority adults

  2. Short-term suicide predictor systematic review data

  3. Self-report and psychophysiological measures from roughly 55 people with past nonsuicidal self-injury and/or suicide attempts

  4. More to come!


  1. Emily Ansell, Penn State University (EMA data, suicide data)
  2. Jamal Essayli, Penn State University College of Medicine (eating disorder data)
  3. April Smith, Auburn University (eating disorder data, suicide data, EMA data)
  4. The Renfrew Center (eating disorder treatment center data)
  5. Carlos Grilo, Yale School of Medicine (eating disorder data)
  6. More to come!
Lauren Forrest, PhD
Lauren Forrest, PhD
Assistant Professor