#A core assumption in dialectical behavior therapy is that we are all doing the best we can and yet “people need to do better, try harder, and be more motivated for change” (Linehan, 2015). This dialectical perspective summarizes my approach to incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusion into my research, teaching, and mentoring.

#I am committed to studying and preventing suicidal thoughts and behaviors and eating disorders among minoritized groups (particularly LGBTQIA+ groups through an intersectional lens), with the goal of reducing suicide and eating disorder inequities. I do this work in partnership and consultation with people with lived experience, to ensure that the research I’m leading is aligned with the needs of the community.

#In my teaching and mentoring, I am committed to participating in and facilitating discussions about privilege, power, and oppression. I am further committed to translating conversations into actions to be better allies.

#Diverse perspectives benefit the entire field of psychological science. As such, I believe that the field of psychology as a whole must do better to ensure the training of individuals with identities that have been historically excluded from the field (e.g., BIPOC, LGBTQIA+).

#I am committed to always being the best ally I can, and always learning and practicing to be better.

Lauren Forrest, PhD
Lauren Forrest, PhD
Assistant Professor